How To - Cognito Details Portlet
The Cognito User Sync Job is intended to be self sufficient and in most cases it will exclude or fail users only when they are not properly created in Clarity (like having spaces or unsupported characters).
Still, when needed the portlet “Rego SaaS Cogntio Details” can be imported and used to troubleshoot any potential issues.
The file below can be imported via XOG and added via Clarity Studio to any given page as a portlet.
Once imported the portlet will display the following layout, where:
Run Date: the date when the user was processed
Batch No: a unique identifier for that given execution
Job Run ID: Clarity’s Job Run ID
User Name: Clarity User Name
Last Name: Clarity User Last Name
First Name: Clarity User First Name
Email Address: Clarity User Email Address
Status: The resulting action taken by the job
Processing Message: Will display any errors during processing, to be shared with our support team for troubleshooting.