How the Suppression List Works
The Suppression List is an account level email suppression list. While on it, an Email Address will not receive any emails from your Clarity instances (Prod and non-Prod when email is enabled.) Email Addresses can be added to the Suppression lists for two reasons, Bounces and Complaints.
Bounces - If a bounce happens due to the ISP rejecting the email, it is placed on the Suppression List. An example of this is if the email doesn’t exist or is invalid in some way.
Complaints - this is if the end user has the email address marked as spam.
A Jira ticket is required to remove Emails from the Suppression List. Before entering the ticket, make sure the email address is valid and that the owner has not marked the emails they are receiving as Spam. The ticket will require the email address or addresses that need to be removed.