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Clarity SaaS on AWS provides an entperiseenterprise-grade secure ODATA connection for 3rd party tools to query small amounts of live Clarity data. This may be used to connect tools such as Microsoft PowerBI, Tableau or Excel to the Clarity data warehouse schema. The Rego Support team does not specifically support 3rd party applications , but provides technical support for the ODATA connectivity protocol. The process of querying data using ODATA requires detailed knowledge of the Clarity database schema and is not meant to replace the supported reporting tools within Clarity. Rego has a team of Technical Consultants to provide training, development and guidance for designing queries, dashboards and reports using ODATA - you may reach out to Rego to request a consulting engagement.



Rego OData allows uses both basic authentication and Clarity API Keys to authenticate users to access the OData environment. Syntax to be used is as follows:

  • Basic Authentication:

    • Username: <Clarity Username>

    • Password: <Password defined in Clarity>


  • API Keys

    • Username : <API Client ID>|<Clarity Username>

    • Password: <API Key>



  • ODATA does not use Single Sign


  • on or Cognito password. Basic authentication


  • or API keys are used for authentication.

  • All the rules associated with API Keys such as key expiration will be applied.

  • Existing Odata access right is still needed to access Odata.

  • Administrators will need to enable APIs in their environment and create an API Client that end-users should use to generate API keys.

  • When refreshing non-production from a production environment the API keys for the non-production environment will be overwritten with the production values as the API keys are stored in the database.

Once connected the tables will be available to retrieve data:


  • Fill out the form as per the details mentioned in the table below. There is a 4,000 character limit on the SQL Query.


ODATA Query Code

Provide the unique identifier for the feed in “ODATA Query Code”. The code should start with an alphabetic letter, can contain only alphanumeric digits with no spaces or other special characters except underscore.

Short Description

Description of the feed details

SQL Query

a SELECT query to execute for the feed. If all fields of a table are required, use “SELECT * from <table_name>”

IMPORTANT NOTE: Avoid using “;” (semi colon) in the queries as this is a reserved character

Query Primary Keys Alias

Each OData feed entry must have a primary key. It can be combination of multiple keys. In such case, use a comma to separate the key aliases

Query Status

Can have a status as New, Valid, Invalid. Only Valid queries will be available for the ODATA feed

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the query takes more than 15 seconds to execute, then status is set to invalid. Such queries hit the hard threshold limits of AWS architecture and will adversely impact the main Clarity transactional database.


If the query or the primary key details provided are invalid, then Query Status will be set to invalid, and the respective error reason will be displayed in this field.


When inactive, the fields: short description, SQL Query, Query Primary Keys Alias will be editable and can be changed. To validate the query, Check the Active field and save the changes. This will auto trigger the process “Rego Validate OData Extension” which will perform all the validations. If validations are successful, the status is set to valid. Otherwise, the status is marked as invalid, and reasons are mentioned under the Error field

  • Activated and validated entries will be locked to avoid for further editing. To edit, user must first deactivate the entry. Then perform the required changes, activate, and save the form. This will trigger the process that will revalidate the changes. Please refresh the page to ensure “Query Status = Valid”
