The Cognito User Sync job will synchronize users in Clarity to AWS Cognito. Cognito manages Authentication, while Clarity will maintain all Authorization (Security Groups, Access Rights, etc.).
Administrators can create the users in Clarity and when the Cognito User Sync job runs, it will create/update the user in Cognito. This is intended to be a scheduled job (recommended daily). Below are instructions and recommendation on scheduling the job in your environment.
Scheduling the Job:
Login to your Rego SaaS - Clarity environment
Navigate to Home->Reports and Jobs
Click the Cognito User Sync job
The job requires a Full Sync parameter before clicking on “Submit”
When checked: This will cause all of the accounts that don’t match between Cognito and Clarity to be written to the Cognito Service. This is recommended if you have an integration that will update each resource record when it runs or when doing significant bulk uploads or changes.
When unchecked: This version of the job will read each resource that has been updated since the last run date. This is recommended as the default setting.
Set the Scheduled section to your Organization’s needs.
Set the Notification section to your Organization’s needs.
Click Submit